Good News + Bad News = UPDATE!

Greetings from Lauren Smyth, Achromia's lead writer!

As you probably know if you follow Achromia on social media, we haven't been posting much since the release of our newest game, Control. (Check it out on the Play Store, Android users!) I'd like to bring you a progress update, share some bad news, and share some good news.

Building OP9, a 30,000 line visual novel, was honestly a much harder task than we imagined. We had to find programmers, artists, and musicians. I personally had to learn the skill of writing a 'branching story' where the user makes the choices, not the author. It was a unique, wonderful experience for our whole team, but it put a lot of pressure on us to finish by deadlines and still create the highest quality game possible.

One of the team's key members has decided to withdraw from the project due to illness and increasing workload. Some of you may know Audrey Henry, our game's graphic artist. Unfortunately, as of February 2019, she is no longer working with us. She's already contributed so much to make OP9 a clean, crisp, error-free visual novel, and I personally can't thank her enough. She's my writing alter ego who tones down my insane ideas and improves my boring ones. Without her, OP9 would never have made it this far, and all of us at Achromia are grateful for her hard work and support.

We will be hiring a new graphic artist soon and hope to bring OP9 to market by the end of this year (possibly before if all goes well!) In the meanwhile, check out our newest visual novel, Control, in the Play Store and follow us on Instagram @achromiagamedev. You can also play a demo version of OP9, with rough graphics and no character art, through our beta test program on the Play Store. And don't forget to check back for updates!

From all of us at Achromia, thank you so much for your continued support. It means the world to us!


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